Just Another WOD | JAW Pullup Grips
The #1 Rated Top Selling Hand Grip
Brought to you by Just Another WOD, JAW Pullup Grips are the premium fabric grip available on the market. Cross-training enthusiasts across the world have spoken and their choice is JAW! These grips consistently outsell all competition and receive the highest customer ratings across the board. Handmade in Australia, there is no comparison when it comes to quality. Often imitated, but never replicated, JAW Pullup Grips are guaranteed to satisfy your hand care needs.
JAW Pullup Grips are designed to move with the reflexes of your wrist, allowing for maximum mobility and comfort while you work out. Worry no more about leaving your skin behind on Pullup heavy WODs (we're looking at you Murph), as JAW Pullup Grips eliminate friction with their incredibly soft, durable, hand-stitched fabric. Even if you already have rips or blisters, your palms will remain completely protected. Sweat much while you exercise? No biggie. JAW Pullup Grips do not harden from perspiration.
Why fabric over tape and leather? Tape is prone to rip easily, as it is not a sturdy material, and it requires constant replacements, while leather is often too thick, which causes discomfort, and has extremely limited flexibility. JAW Pullup Grips, on the other hand, offer the perfect balance between comfort, protection, and effectiveness. Additionally, JAW Pullup Grips have proven time and again to provide the best longevity of all competitors and knock-off brands, often lasting up to a year longer.
The success of JAW Pullup Grips is not solely attributed to their usefulness with Pullups, since they also work phenomenally well with muscle ups, toes-to-bars, knees-to-elbows, kettlebells, dumbbells, and any general barbell or rig work.
Available colors: Baby Blue, Black, Black/Violet, Green, Orange, Orange/Violet, Pink/Black, Pink/Teal, Purple/Pink, Red/Black, Royal Blue, Royal Red, Silver/Black, Silver/Green.

100% handmade in Australia.